Bolton Provider Agreement July 2017
Agreement for the
funding of:
Early years provision free of charge and
free childcare for 2, 3 and 4 year olds
Valid from September 2017
Bolton Provider Agreement July 2017
Section 1: Overview ........................................................................................................... 3
Legal framework and statutory guidance ........................................................................ 6
Section 2: Key Responsibilities .......................................................................................... 6
Key Bolton Council responsibilities ................................................................................. 6
Key Provider responsibilities ........................................................................................... 7
Safeguarding .................................................................................................................. 7
Eligibility ......................................................................................................................... 8
The Grace Period ......................................................................................................... 10
Flexibility ....................................................................................................................... 10
Partnership working ...................................................................................................... 11
Special educational needs and disabilities .................................................................... 12
Social mobility and disadvantage .................................................................................. 12
Quality .......................................................................................................................... 13
Business planning ........................................................................................................ 14
Charges to parents ....................................................................................................... 15
Funding Please see notes from Finance .................................................................... 16
Compliance .................................................................................................................. 18
Termination and withdrawal of funding ......................................................................... 18
Appeals process ........................................................................................................... 19
Complaints process ...................................................................................................... 19
Bolton Provider Agreement July 2017
This Bolton Provider Agreement is made the day of 2017
(1) The Borough Council of Bolton (Bolton Council) and
(2) the Early Years Provider (“Provider”) so named in Schedule 1 to this Agreement.
Section 1: Overview
1.1 This Agreement is based on Model Agreement and refers to early years provision
free of
charge (sections 7 and 7A of the Childcare Act 2006) and free childcare
(section 2 of
the Childcare Act 2016) as the ‘free entitlement(s)’ or ‘free hours’ or a
‘free place’.
1.2 Whilst the statutory duty remains with the Local Authority, this Agreement details
the requirements and expectations that early years providers must meet in order
to be eligible to deliver the various free entitlements under this Agreement and
draw down the subsequent funding.
1.3 Although parents may choose where to send their child, funded places are only
available in settings where the Provider has entered into this Agreement.
1.4 This Agreement applies to the 15 hour entitlement for eligible two year olds, the 15
hour entitlement for parents of three and four year olds (the Universal
Entitlement) and the 30 hours entitlement for working parents of three and four
year olds (the Extended Entitlement).
1.5 This Agreement does not provide guidance on how a provider shall operate their
private businesses, including charges for provision over and above a child’s free
Bolton Council shall not intervene where parents choose to purchase
additional hours of provision or additional services providing that this does not
affect the parent’s ability to take up their child’s free place.
1.6 This Agreement will be kept under review and updated as necessary to reflect any
changes to national guidance and legislation. Any references to legislation will be
to that legislation as amended from time to time, without express change in this
1.7 The Provider must sign and date this Agreement and return the signed copy of
this Agreement to Bolton Council in order for the Provider to be registered on
Bolton Council’s list of eligible providers. Failure to return a signed copy of this
Agreement will result in the Provider being unable to offer free entitlement places
and draw the subsequent funding as detailed in this Agreement.
1.8 This Agreement is for:
Early years providers (who are each referred to in this Agreement as the
Provider”) and include:
Early years Providers and childminders registered on the Ofsted Early Years
Bolton Provider Agreement July 2017
Childminders registered with a childminder agency that is registered with
Independent Schools and Academies taking children age two and over and
which are exempt from registration with Ofsted as an early years provider.
1.9 Definitions in this Agreement
“Agreement” shall means the terms and conditions herein (including the
Schedules and Annex A) together with any guidance referred to herein and
any documentation agreed in accordance with the said terms and conditions.
"Bolton Councilshall mean the The Borough Council of Bolton of Town Hall
Bolton BL1 1RU.
“Bolton Guidance” shall mean the Bolton Funded Early Years and Childcare
Entitlement: Operational Guidance (which is available at
“DfE” shall mean the Department for Education
“DfE Operational Guidance” shall mean Early years entitlements: operational
guidance for local authorities and Providers July 2017, which is available via
“DfE Statutory Guidance “shall mean Early education and childcare Statutory
guidance for local authorities, which is available via
“EYFS” shall mean the Statutory framework for the early years foundation
“Model Agreement” shall mean the Model Agreement for Early years provision
free of charge and free childcare, which is available via
“Operational Guidance “ shall mean Start Well Service: Early Years Foundation
Stage Offer for Providers Delivering Funded Early Education and Childcare
Guidance which is available via
"Provider" shall mean the person, organisation providing early learning
services these would include childminders, pre-school playgroups, private day
nurseries, independent schools, maintained nursery classes and maintained
nursery schools, as specified in Schedule 1 to this Agreement.
Provider Portal” shall mean the Capita One Early Years Provider Portal,
which shall be used by the Provider to carry out the following:
o Submit headcount information in respect of children attending the
Bolton Provider Agreement July 2017
Provider’s setting;
o Eligibility checks for two year old funding places on behalf of parents;
o Validate eligibility codes for 30 hours funding.
Provider Portal Guidance” shall mean the guidance which is available via
“Safeguarding Guidance” shall mean all the safeguarding guidance available
“Service” shall mean the delivery by the Provider of the early years funding
entitlement (including the Universal Entitlement and the Extended Entitlement,
as detailed in paragraph 1.4 above) in accordance with this Agreement.
“Start Well” shall mean the Start Well Service: Early Years Foundation Stage
Offer for Providers Delivering Funded Early Education and Childcare which
can be accessed via
“Start Well Offer” shall mean the fully funded (no cost to providers) EYFS core
of support from Start Well Service. which can be accessed at offer
1.10 The Service
1.9.1 The Provider hereby agrees to provide a Service as specified in this
Agreement and the Appendix attached to this Agreement.
1.9.2 This Agreement shall commence on 1
September 2017 and continue
until terminated in accordance with 2.98 below.
1.9.3 The Service will be provided in accordance with the terms and
conditions contained herein.
1.9.4 In delivering the Service, the Provider shall comply with the Bolton
Guidance, the DfE Operational Guidance, the DfE Statutory Guidance,
the Operational Guidance, the Safeguarding Guidance and any other
such guidance relating to this Agreement which the Provider is made
aware of.
1.11 Statutory and other regulations
1.10.1 The Provider will operate in accordance with all Acts of Parliament,
amendment or re-enactment of any Act, Statutory Regulation, or other
such laws, recommendations, guidance or practices as may affect the
provision of the Service(s) specified under the Agreement.
1.10.2 The Provider guarantees that the Service provided will comply with the
requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, of the relevant
statutory provisions as defined in the Act and of any regulations made
by virtue of the provisions of the Act or the relevant statutory provisions
and C.O.S.H.H regulations and undertakes to take all necessary steps
Bolton Provider Agreement July 2017
to secure the health and safety of employees and third parties.
1.12 Local Guidance
The Provider shall have due regard to the Operational Guidance when delivering
the Service. The operational guidance is intended to assist the Provider in
understanding in more detail the local processes for registration and delivery of
funded early education and childcare entitlements in Bolton. The operational
guidance also includes guidance from Bolton Council which has been aligned
with Department for Education advice and statutory guidance.
1.13 Annex A: Agreement to be signed by Provider
The Provider shall sign Annex A of this Agreement to confirm the Provider’s
acceptance of the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
Legal framework and statutory guidance
1.14 The following frameworks and legislation underpin this Agreement:
Early Education and Childcare, Statutory Guidance for Local Authorities 2017
Childcare Act 2006
Childcare Act 2016
Equality Act 2010
School admissions code 2014
Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage 2017
Local Authority, (Duty to Secure Early Years Provision Free of Charge)
Regulations 2014
The Childcare (Early Years Provision Free of Charge) (Extended Entitlement)
Regulations 2016
Special educational needs and disability code of practice: 0 to 25 years 2015
Data Protection Act 1998
Section 2: Key Responsibilities
Key Bolton Council responsibilities
2.1 Bolton Council shall secure a free entitlement place for every eligible child in their
2.2 Bolton Council shall work in partnership with providers to agree how to deliver
free entitlement places.
2.3 Bolton Council shall be clear about its role and the support on offer locally to
Bolton Provider Agreement July 2017
meet the needs of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities
(SEND) as well as its expectations of providers.
2.4 Bolton Council shall contribute to the safeguarding and promote the welfare of
children and young people in their area.
Key Provider responsibilities
2.5 The Provider must comply with all relevant legislation and insurance requirements.
2.6 The Provider shall deliver the Service consistently to all parents, whether in
receipt of 15 or 30 hours and regardless of whether they opt to pay for optional
services or consumables. This means that the Provider shall be clear and
communicate to parents details about the days and times that they offer free
along with their services and charges. Those children accessing the free
entitlements shall receive the same quality and access to provision from the
2.7 The Provider must follow the EYFS in delivering the Service and have clear
safeguarding policies and procedures in place for recognising, responding,
reporting and recording suspected or actual abuse, which policies and procedures
shall link to the Safeguarding Guidance. Bolton Council will monitor compliance
with this clause through the Start Well safeguarding and welfare visits as outlined in
Operational Guidance.
2.8 The Provider must have arrangements in place to support children with special
educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). These arrangements should include
but not be limited to having a clear approach to identifying and responding to
SEND. The Provider shall utilise the SEN inclusion fund (additional funding to
support children with identified Special Educational Needs in their setting) and the
Disability Access Fund (as detailed at
access-fund) to deliver effective support, whilst
making information available about
their SEND offer to parents.
2.9 The Provider must actively promote fundamental British values (as defined by the
DfE) and not promote views or theories as facts which are contrary to established
scientific or historical evidence and explanations.
2.10 Bolton Council has overarching responsibility for safeguarding and promoting the
welfare of all children and young people in the Bolton Borough and it has a number
statutory functions under the 1989 and 2004 Children Acts which make this
clear. Further the Safeguarding Guidance sets out Bolton Council’s
responsibilities in detail.
2.11 The Provider must follow EYFS in delivering the Service and have clear
safeguarding policies and procedures in place for responding to and reporting
suspected or actual abuse and neglect, which policies and procedures shall be in
line with the Safeguarding Guidance.
2.12 The Provider shall ensure that a lead practitioner has responsibility for
Bolton Provider Agreement July 2017
safeguarding and that all staff receive suitable training to identify signs of abuse
and neglect.
15 hours entitlement for eligible two year olds
2.13 A child will be entitled to the free entitlement hours from the term after their second
birthday providing both of the following conditions are satisfied;
The child has attained the age of two
The child or parent meets the eligibility criteria
2.14 A child remains eligible under the above until they become eligible for the three
and four year old Universal Entitlement, as detailed below.
15 hour entitlement for parents of three and four year olds (the universal
2.15 All three and four year olds are entitled to the Universal Entitlement of 570 hours
no later than the beginning of the term after their third birthday.
30 hours entitlement for working parents of three and four year olds (extended
2.16 Three and four year olds of working parents will be entitled to additional free hours
from the term after the eligible child’s third birthday PROVIDED that both of the
following conditions are satisfied:
The child has attained the age of three
The child’s parent has / parents have a current positive determination of
eligibility from HMRC.
2.17 Where a parent or parents become eligible for the additional Extended Entitlement
mid-term, funding for the additional hours cannot start until the nearest following
term. (i.e. if a parent becomes eligible in February the child’s additional free
entitlement will begin April see Table A below).
Table A:
Term Child First Eligible
Child turned 2* or 3 years old between
April and 31
September and 31
January and 31
*only 2 year olds who meet certain criteria are eligible
Bolton Provider Agreement July 2017
2.18 Bolton Council shall ensure that a child has a free entitlement place no later than
the beginning of the term following the child and the parent meeting the eligibility
criteria for the free entitlements.
2.19 Bolton Council will confirm the validity of each 30 hours eligibility codes (being a
child’s unique reference) to allow the Provider to offer 30 hours places for eligible
three and four year olds. Bolton Council will provide a validity checking service to
the Provider to enable the Provider to verify the 30 hours eligibility code swiftly
and efficiently. This will be through the Provider Portal.
2.20 Bolton Council will complete audit checks to review the validity of
eligibility codes
for children who qualify for 30 hours free childcare at 6 fixed points in the year,
both at half-term and at the end of term across the year (on or around the dates as
listed at table B below). Bolton Council will notify the Provider where a parent has
fallen out of eligibility and inform them of the grace period end date (as detailed in
Table B below).
Table B:
Date Parent receives
ineligible decision on
Grace Period End
1 Jan 10 Feb
31 March
11 Feb 31 March
31 August
1 April 26 May
31 August
27 May 31 August
31 December
1 September 21 October
31 December
22 October 31 December
31 March
2.21 The Provider shall check original copies of documentation to confirm a child has
reached the eligible age on initial registration for all eligible elements of the Service.
The Provider shall record the necessary information which confirms these checks
on the Parental declaration form to enable Bolton Council to carry out audits and
fraud investigations. A sample parent declaration form is available for download at
2.22 The Provider shall consider advice from the ICO on holding Personal Data (as
defined in the Data Protection Act 1998) including sensitive Personal Data.
Guidance is available at:
2.23 The Provider shall offer places to eligible two-year-olds on the understanding that
the child remains eligible until they become eligible for the Universal Entitlement for
three- and four-year-olds.
Bolton Provider Agreement July 2017
2.24 The Provider shall obtain each 30 hours eligibility code from parents, which is the
child’s unique 11-digit number,
and original copies of documentation. The Provider
must acquire written consent from, or on behalf of, the parent to be able to receive
confirmation and future notifications from Bolton Council of the validity of the 30
hours eligibility code. The Provider shall use the parental declaration form which
asks the parent for the necessary information and consents (see 2.20. above).
2.25 The Provider shall verify the 30 hours eligibility code with Bolton Council once
the Provider has received written consent from the parent to do so.
The Grace Period
2.26 A child will enter the grace period when the child’s parents cease to meet the
eligibility criteria set out in the Childcare (Early Years Provision Free of Charge)
(Extended Entitlement) Regulations 2016, as determined by HMRC or a First Tier
Tribunal in the case of an appeal.
2.27 Bolton Council will access information about whether a child has ceased to meet
the eligibility criteria and entered the grace period via the eligibility checking service
(as detailed in the DfE Operational Guidance and in the DFE Statutory Guidance).
The grace period end date (as specified in Table B above) will automatically be
applied to eligibility codes.
2.28 Bolton Council will continue to fund a place for a child during the grace period as
set out in the Early Education and Childcare Statutory Guidance for Local
Authorities 2017.
2.29 Bolton Council will inform the Provider of any children who have fallen out of
eligibility for the Extended Entitlement within seven working days of the audit check
date detailed in Table B above. Bolton Council will include the date when the
grace period will expire, at which point those children / families will revert to the
Universal Entitlement.
2.30 The Provider will inform parents who have fallen out of eligibility for the Extended
Entitlement and inform them of their grace period end date.
Appeals against an eligibility decision
2.31 Parents may appeal the decision that has determined their ineligibility for the
Extended Entitlement. Any appeals must be made directly to HMRC via their
appeals process. Bolton Council has no influence or discretion regarding this.
2.32 Bolton Council will permit the provision to be offered within the national
parameters on flexibility as set out in Section A2 of Early Education and Childcare
Statutory Guidance for local authorities.
2.33 The Provider shall offer flexible packages of free hours, subject to the following
No session to be longer than 10 hours
Bolton Provider Agreement July 2017
No minimum session length (subject to the requirements of registration on the
Ofsted Early Years Register)
Not before 6.00 am or after 8.00pm
A maximum of two sites in a single day
2.34 The Provider shall work Bolton Council and share information about the times
and periods at which the Provider is able to offer free entitlements to support
Bolton Council to secure sufficient stretched and flexible places to meet parental
demand in the Bolton borough. Places can be delivered:
Over up to 52 weeks of the year
Outside of maintained school term times
At weekends
2.35 The Provider shall, where it is reasonably practicable ensure that children are able
to take up their free hours in continuous blocks and avoid artificial breaks being
created throughout the day, for example the lunch period.
2.36 The Provider shall also make information about
their offer and admissions criteria
available to parents at the point the child first
accesses provision at their setting.
2.37 The Provider shall enter into a written agreement with all parents that take up a
funded entitlement place and the Provider shall ensure they clear invoicing
structures are in place which adhere to the DfE Operational Guidance.
2.38 The Provider shall publish information about their childcare offer on Bolton’s
Childcare and Family Information website (
2.39 The Provider may “stretch the free entitlement over a greater number than 38
weeks but this will carry a reduced weekly allowance of hours which shall not
exceed 570 hours per annum in the case of 15 hour eligible children and 1140
hours in the case of 30 hour eligible children.
Partnership working
2.40 Bolton Council will support the partnerships below on four levels:
Local authorities (including Bolton Council) and providers and multiagency
Providers working with other providers, including childminders, schools and
Providers and parents
Local authorities (including Bolton Council) and parents
2.41 Bolton Council will promote partnership working between different types of
Providers, including childminders, across all sectors and encourage more
Bolton Provider Agreement July 2017
providers to offer flexible provision, alongside other providers.
2.42 The Provider shall, where possible, work in partnership with parents, carers and
other providers to improve provision and outcomes for children in their setting.
2.43 The Provider shall discuss and work closely with parents to agree how a child’s
overall care will work in practice when their free entitlement is split across different
p roviders, such as at a maintained setting and childminder, to ensure a smooth
transition for the child.
Special educational needs and disabilities
2.44 Bolton Council will strategically plan support for children with special educational
needs and/or disabilities (SEND) to meet the needs of all children in their local area
as per the Special Educational Needs and Disability code of
practice: 0 to 25 years
(January 2015).
2.45 Bolton Council will be clear and transparent about the support on offer in the
Bolton borough, through the Bolton Guidance, so parents and providers can access
that support. Early Years SEN panel process and graduated response for inclusion
2.46 The Provider must ensure owners, managers and all staff members within their
settings are aware of their duties in relation to the SEND Code of Practice and the
Equality Act 2010 (see
2.47 The Provider shall be clear and transparent about the SEND support on offer at
their setting including access to the inclusion fund and make information available
about their offer to support parents to choose the right setting for their child with
2.48 The Provider shall identify those parents whose children may qualify for disability
access funding and follow local process for claiming the funding as outlined in the
Bolton Guidance.
2.49 Information about whether a child is in receipt of Disability Living Allowance (DLA)
is sensitive Personal Data which must be handled by the Provider appropriately.
The Provider shall have due regard to advice from the Information Commissioner’s
Office (“ICO”) on holding Personal Data including sensitive Personal Data. The
advice note is available at:
Social mobility and disadvantage
2.50 Bolton Council will promote equality and inclusion, particularly for disadvantaged
families, looked after children and children in need by removing barriers of access
to free places and working with parents to give each child support
to fulfil their
2.51 Bolton Council will issue to the Provider a list of children who are eligible For
Early Years Pupil premium (EYPP) as outlined in The Bolton Funded Early Years
Bolton Provider Agreement July 2017
and Childcare Entitlement: Operational Guidance, section 7 (which is available at
2.52 The Provider shall use EYPP and any locally available funding streams or support
to improve outcomes for this group. The Early Years Pupil Premium shall be used to
improve the quality of early years education for any disadvantaged children at the
Provider’s setting(s). The Provider shall consult the evidence on what works in
improving quality when making decisions about how to use EYPP funding, as
detailed in the Bolton Funded Early Years and Childcare Entitlement: Operational
Guidance, (which is available via (
2.53 The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) statutory framework is mandatory for all
schools that provide early years provision and Ofsted-registered early years
p roviders in England. The EYFS sets the standards that all early years’ providers
must meet to ensure that children learn and develop well and are kept healthy and
2.54 Ofsted are the sole arbiter of quality for all free entitlements and Ofsted and
inspectorates of independent schools have regard to the EYFS in carrying out
inspections and report on the quality and standards of provision.
2.55 Bolton Council has a legal duty to provide information, advice and training on
meeting the requirements of the EYFS for providers who are rated less than ‘Good’
by Ofsted or newly registered providers.
2.56 Bolton Council is not required to fund places where providers do not meet the
quality standards stated below, but may choose to do so to ensure sufficiency of
2.57 Bolton Council will fund places;
for two, three and four year old children at any provider setting judged “good”
or “outstanding” by Ofsted
for three and four year old children at any provider setting judged
“satisfactory” (prior to 2014) or “requires improvement” by Ofsted
for two three and four year old children at a setting operated by new
providers registered with Ofsted until the Provider’s first full Ofsted
inspection judgement is published
2.58 The Provider must offer provision in accordance with the national parameters on
quality as set out in Section A3 of the DFE Statutory Guidance and the EYFS.
2.59 Where a Provider achieves a “requires improvement” or “inadequate” or no
children on roll “not met” Ofsted grade the Provider will:
Inform Bolton Council (Early Years Improvement Team) of their Ofsted
grade upon receipt of their Ofsted report by emailing:
Bolton Provider Agreement July 2017
Work with officers of Bolton Council to immediately address any
recommendations and actions detailed within the Ofsted report, in
accordance with the Start Well targeted offer of support as outlined in the
Start Well Offer.
Provide and implement a detailed action plan which demonstrates how
the Provider will achieve and maintain improvement in Ofsted grade.
Plans should be submitted to [email protected] or to the
Bolton Childminding Team at [email protected] within 28 days
of the report being published on the Ofsted website.
This action plan must identify the following
a) How the Provider will satisfactorily address any actions or
recommendations raised at inspection by Ofsted including the
responsibilities and timeframes.
b) How this will impact on the children’s progress
c) How improvements will be monitored to evaluate their success.
Ensure that staff attend training and peer to peer support which improves
knowledge and understanding to contribute to improved Ofsted grade and
individual children’s school readiness
2.60 Where a Provider achieves an “inadequate” Ofsted grade, Bolton Council will
remove the Provider from Bolton Council’s directory of those providers deemed
eligible to receive early years funding entitlement, as specified within the DFE
Statutory Guidance. The Provider will have the right to appeal the decision as set
out in the Operational Guidance.
Business planning
2.61 Bolton Council will provide and maintain the online Provider Portal for the sole
purpose of enabling the Provider to submit, safely and securely, child and parent
details relating to all free entitlements and EYPP.
2.62 Bolton Council will publicise the exact dates and timescales for submissions, via
the Provider Portal, each term. Autumn and Summer term cut off dates will be the
same each year Spring term cut off dates will be the 31st March irrespective of the
term start date, which can vary because of the Easter holiday dates.
2.63 The Provider must submit to Bolton Council the information outlined in the Bolton
Guidance, which information shall include but not be limited to headcount, census,
sufficiency, quality and audit returns by the dates specified on the request to
support the processing payment and delivery of free entitlements.
2.64 Bolton Council may charge the Provider a reasonable and proportionate charge
for providing late or incomplete information leading to additional administration or
costs in the processing of free entitlement. Bolton Council will consult with the
Provider should Bolton Council intend to introduce charges.
2.65 Bolton Council will carry out termly checks and or/audits on randomly chosen
Bolton Provider Agreement July 2017
providers of the Service to ensure compliance with the requirements of delivering
free entitlements and will provide a written record of such checks, including actions
and recommendations to the Provider.
2.66 The Provider shall, as required by legislation, complete an annual early years
census in accordance with the DFE statutory Guidance.
2.67 The Provider must submit all information requested by Bolton Council (including
but not limited to headcount, census, sufficiency, quality and audit returns) by the
dates specified by Bolton Council to support the processing, payment and
delivery of free entitlements.
2.68 The Provider must submit all child and parent details to Bolton Council via the
Provider Portal by the dates specified by Bolton Council (see the Bolton
Guidance). The Provider shall retain all paper contracts and agreements, including
proof of entitlement (e.g. birth certificates, eligibility letters for 2 year olds). Copies
will not be required to be sent to Bolton Council.
2.69 The Provider shall maintain accurate financial and non-financial records relating to
free entitlement places and should give Bolton Council access on reasonable
notice to all financial and non-financial records relating to free entitlement places
funded under this Agreement.
Charges to parents
2.70 Government funding is intended to cover the cost to deliver 15 or 30 hours a week
(570 or 1140 hours a year) of free, high quality, flexible childcare. It is not intended
to cover the cost of meals,
consumables, additional hours or additional services.
2.71 Bolton Council will not intervene where parents choose to purchase additional
hours of provision or additional services, providing that this does not affect the
parent’s ability to take up their child’s free place.
2.72 In accordance with the DfE Statutory guidance Bolton Council will intervene
where parents make them aware that they are being charged additional amounts
outside of those detailed in this Agreement, or where the parent raises concerns
with the explanation given by the Provider for those additional charges.
2.73 The Provider must not:
charge parents “top-up” fees (the difference between the Provider’s usual
fee and the funding they receive from Bolton Council to deliver free
places); or
require parents to pay a registration fee as a condition of taking up their
child’s free place.
2.74 The Provider can, in delivering the Service,;
charge for meals and snacks
charge for consumables such as nappies or sun cream
Bolton Provider Agreement July 2017
charge for services such as trips and yoga
The Provider must develop and maintain a policy on how to respond to parental
choice, which policy shall be available to Bolton Council for review.
2.75 The Provider shall be permitted to charge parents a deposit to secure a child’s
free place in some circumstances. In respect of this Agreement:
deposits shall not be charged or held to secure funded 2 year old places
deposits shall not be charged to existing children/parents i.e. a 2 year old
child who moves to 3 year old funding in the following term.
requested deposits shall not be so high as to be a deterrent. A request for
50% of a week’s fees as a deposit would be viewed as being a deterrent to
some less advantaged parents.
Deposits for children who do not take up a place can be non-returnable, so
the Provider shall keep deposits to a token, but meaningful, amount i.e. £10
or less.
deposits shall be returned or deducted from the first payment a parent makes
following commencement of a placement.
2.76 The Provider shall deliver the Service consistently so that all children accessing
any of the free entitlements will receive the same quality and access to provision,
regardless of whether the parents opt to pay for optional hours, services, meals or
2.77 The Provider shall be completely transparent with parents and Bolton Council
about any additional charges.
2.78 The Provider shall publish their admissions criteria and ensure parents understand
which hours/sessions can be taken as free provision. Not all providers will be able
to offer fully flexible places, but the Provider shall work with parents to ensure that
as far as possible the pattern of hours is convenient for parents’ working hours.
2.79 The Provider shall ensure their invoices and receipts are clear, transparent and
itemised, allowing parents to see that they have received their free entitlement
completely free of charge and to understand fees paid for additional hours. The
P r o v i d e r will also ensure that receipts contain the Provider’s full details.
2.80 The funding rates for 3 and 4 year old children in individual settings are determined
through a local Single Funding Formula which is devised following national funding
guidance (EYNFF) issued by the Department for Education April 2017
2.81 The Provider will be entitled to receive payment for the free entitlement delivered
for three and four year olds, calculated at the hourly rate published by Bolton
Council following approval in accordance with Bolton Council’s Constitution and
following local consultation. Payment shall include any deprivation supplement.
Bolton Provider Agreement July 2017
2.82 Payment will be for each child receiving their free early years provision for a
maximum of 15 hours or 30 hours (dependent upon eligibility) over 38 weeks per
year or any agreed combination of weeks and hours over the academic year
provided the combination shall not exceed a maximum of 570 hours or 1140 hours
(dependent upon eligibility) per annum.
2.83 The Provider will be entitled to receive payment for the free entitlement delivered to
eligible 2 year olds, calculated at a flat hourly rate of attendance per child as
determined by Bolton Council following approval in accordance with Bolton
Council’s Constitution and as outlined in the Operational Guidance. Payment will
be for each child receiving their funded early years’ provision for a maximum of 15
hours over 38 weeks per year or any combination of weeks and hours over the
academic year provided the combination shall not exceed a maximum of 570 hours
per annum.
2.84 Bolton Council will publish a timetable of headcount submission and payment
dates and will acknowledge and respond timely to queries which the Provider
raises in respect of the funding payable under this Agreement. The Provider shall
send queries to [email protected].uk.
2.85 Bolton Council will pay the Provider as follows:
monthly for the universal 15 hour and the additional funded entitlement for
three and four year olds;
three times per term (approximately 6 weeks and,12 weeks into a term plus
one final payment at term end, for eligible two year olds).
Payments will be made using the latest headcount of eligible children supplied by
the Provider through the Provider Portal.
2.86 Bolton Council will apportion payments between Providers, where a parent
chooses to access provision from more than one Provider (two maximum) to
provide the free entitlement.
2.87 Early Years Pupil Premium payments will be paid in addition to free entitlement
funding and paid termly at the prescribed rates set by government. The Provider
will be notified of children eligible for this funding and the amount payable per child
following the completion by Bolton Council of the Provider’s initial headcount
termly returns.
2.88 Disability Access Fund payments will be made in respect of eligible children, at the
rate determined by the DfE as soon as practicable after a child attends at a setting.
This payment is made separately to other funding.
2.89 The Provider shall always refer to the Provider Portal guidance when submitting
headcount data, funding and eligibility checks, which guidance shall be available
via the Provider Portal.
2.90 The Provider must complete the termly headcount process using the Provider
Portal (save where the Provider is a childminder). To ensure that the Provider
receives payments based on these initial returns, the headcount process must be
Bolton Provider Agreement July 2017
completed by the date specified on the portal.
2.91 The Provider must submit all changes (including, but not limited to new starters,
leavers, change in hours) to the already submitted initial headcount via the
amendment task return, which is available on the Provider Portal. All changes
received will be included in future payments.
2.92 Where the Provider is a childminder, Bolton Council will send termly headcount
forms (and amendment forms) to the Provider by post. The Provider shall
complete and return the forms to Bolton Council by the date specified therein.
2.93 The Provider shall ensure that all required free entitlement eligibility checks are
undertaken accurately and the correct details are entered into the Provider Portal
along with any supporting evidence (for non-income based applications). Incorrect
submissions may result in delayed payments or funding being re-claimed for
incorrectly funded children.
2.94 The Provider shall record the presence or absence at each session of each child
for whom funding has been claimed under this Agreement. The Provider shall
have a policy (which is in line with the statutory EYFS) for monitoring attendance
which includes informing appropriate relevant agencies and following Bolton
Council’s safeguarding procedures (see
should the Provider have concerns raised by poor attendance.
2.95 The Provider shall use due diligence to safeguard the operation of this Agreement
against fraud on the part of directors, governors, staff or parents with particular
regard to inaccurate, incomplete or misleading claims for payment (see
2.96 Bolton Council will carry out such checks and/or audits in respect of the Provider
to as reasonably required to ensure compliance with the requirements of delivering
the free entitlements and will provide a written record of such checks, including
actions and recommendations, to the Provider.
2.97 The Provider shall agree to audit checks and provide any information that is
requested and implement any actions and agreed recommendations. These checks
will not be disproportionate or unnecessarily burdensome to the Provider.
Termination and withdrawal of funding
2.98 Bolton Council shall have the right, on written notice, to terminate this Agreement
in the event:
that Ofsted suspends the Provider’s and or a setting’s registration;
the Provider is in breach of this Agreement and the Provider fails to remedy
the breach within the period specified by Bolton Council, acting reasonably;
the Provider does not actively promote fundamental British values (as
defined by the DfE) or if the Provider promotes views or theories as fact
which are contrary to established scientific or historical evidence and
Bolton Provider Agreement July 2017
the Provider does not meet the quality criteria as specified within the EYFS
the Provider is providing two year old funded childcare and has been graded
‘satisfactory’ or ‘requires improvement’ by Ofsted;
the Provider has received the Ofsted inspection judgement of ‘not met’;
the Government alters or withdraws the early years provision free of
(sections 7 and 7A of the Childcare Act 2006) and free childcare (section 2 of
the Childcare Act 2016).
2.99 The Provider shall submit an appeal on the Ofsted grade to Ofsted using their
appeals procedure.
2.100 If the Provider is unable to meet the Ofsted grade criteria, after being given
sufficient time by Ofsted to improve their grade criteria and following their action
plans developed with Bolton Council to meet any actions arising from inspection,
Bolton Council shall, in consultation with the Schools Forum, which is made up of
representatives from schools, academies; there is also some representation from
non-school organisation, such as nursery and 16-19 education providers. Their role
is to act in a consultative role for changes to the local funding formula or proposed
changes to the operation of the minimum funding guarantee. Further information
regarding Schools Forum can be sort at
2.101 The Provider shall have 7 days in which to appeal in writing against a notice of
termination issued by Bolton Council in accordance with 2.91 above.
Appeals process
2.102 The Provider may be denied approval to offer the free entitlements or have their
funding withdrawn as set out above. The Provider can appeal against that decision.
2.103 The appeals process is:
The Provider shall have 7 days in which to appeal in writing to Bolton
Council; and
Bolton Council will convene an appeals hearing at which the Provider will
be entitled to attend with a representative of the Provider’s choice. The
appeals panel shall consist of a senior officer of Bolton Council, the Early
Years team leader and one other officer of Bolton Council who is not
directly involved in the Early Years service. The panel will collate
information and hear any representations from the Provider prior to making
a decision. The decision of the panel shall be final.
Complaints process
2.104 Bolton Council will consider concerns from parents who are not able to resolve
their concern directly with the Provider where the parent is not satisfied that their
child has received their free entitlement in accordance with the legislation or as set
Bolton Provider Agreement July 2017
out in this Agreement and in the DfE Statutory Guidance.
2.105 The Provider shall ensure the Provider has a complaints procedure in place that is
published and accessible for parents who are not satisfied their child has received
their free entitlement in the correct way, as set out in this Agreement and in Early
Education and Childcare Statutory guidance for Local Authorities.
2.106 If a parent or the Provider is not satisfied with the way in which their complaint has
been dealt with by Bolton Council or a parent of the Provider believes Bolton
Council has acted unreasonably, they can make a complaint to the Local Authority
Ombudsman. Such complaints will only be considered when the local complaints
procedures have been exhausted.
Data Protection
2.107 Bolton Council and the Provider shall each comply with the Data Protection Act
1998 (DPA) and the EU Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC until 23:59:59 on 24
May 2018 and with effect from 25
May 2018 the General Data Protection
Regulation (EU) 2016/679. Further, Bolton Council and the Provider shall
comply with the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000, the
Telecommunications (Lawful Business Practice) (Interception of Communications)
Regulations 2000, the Electronic Communications Data Protection Directive
2002/58/EC, the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive)
Regulations 2003 and all applicable laws and regulations relating to protection,
processing and sharing of personal data and privacy, including where applicable
the guidance and codes of practice issued by the Information Commissioner
2.108 Bolton Council and the Provider shall comply with the Data Sharing Schedule
attached to this Agreement at Schedule 2.
Freedom of Information
2.109 Bolton Council has legal duties which may require the release of information
under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (“FOIA”) or the Environmental
Information Regulations 2004 (“EIR”) or any other applicable legislation or codes
governing access to Information (“Access Duties”). Bolton Council may be under
an obligation to provide information on request in complying with its Access Duties.
Such information may include matters arising out of or under this Agreement in
any way.
2.110 In the event that Bolton Council receives a request to for information under its
Access Duties, Bolton Council will disclose all such information and
documentation (in whatever form) as it is obliged to disclose under its Access
2.111 Bolton Council shall endeavour to inform the Provider of the intention to disclose
information under its Access Duties; however, Bolton Council shall be
responsible for determining what information it is required to disclose under its
Access duties.
2.112 Bolton Council shall not disclose information which is exempt from disclosure
under its Access Duties.
Bolton Provider Agreement July 2017
2.113 In the event that it is necessary to vary any of the terms of this Agreement in order
to comply with legislation or any guidance or procedures issued by the
Government, Bolton Council shall serve a written notice on the Provider detailing
the variations. The variations shall come into effect from the date specified in the
written notice.
Bolton Provider Agreement July 2017
Schedule 1
Full Legal Title of Provider ………………………………………………………………….
Registered/Nominated Person ………………………………………………………………….
EY Number ………………………………………………………………….
Name of setting(s) ………………………………………………………………….
Address of setting(s) ………………………………………………………………….
Funding Stream:
15 hour entitlement for eligible two year olds,
15 hour entitlement for parents of three and
four year olds (the Universal Entitlement”)
30 hours entitlement for working parents of
three and four year olds (the “Extended
Bolton Provider Agreement July 2017
Schedule 2
Data Sharing Schedule
Purposes for which the data is being shared
Bolton Council has a statutory duty to validate the eligibility of access to free and flexible
high quality early years provision and submission of child level data for payments to the
There is also a statutory requirement for Bolton Council to complete a return to the
Department of Education each year containing this information.
Legal basis for sharing
Sections 1 and 2 of the Childcare Act 2016; and
Section 6, 7, and 7A of the Childcare Act 2006.
Personal and Sensitive Personal Data to be shared
Field/Data Item
2 Year Old
First name
Middle Name
Last Name
First Language
Parents/Carer Title
Parents/Carer Forename
Parents/Carer Surname
Parent/Carers DOB
Parents/Carer Gender
Parents/Carer Relationship to the child
Parents/Carers Address
Parents/Carers National Insurance
Parent/Carers NASS Number
Whether the parent/carer has parental
responsibility for the child
Reason for Claiming Funding (LAC,
SEN, Adopted, DLA, Universal Credit,
Provided an eligibility letter from
another LA)
Bolton Provider Agreement July 2017
If provided an eligibility letter from
another LAs the name of the LA that
gave the letter and the eligibility
reference number.
Applicants Email address
Applicants phone number
Extra contact information
30 Hours Eligibility Code
Childs Start Date
Childs End Date
Weeks Attended Setting in the term
Average hours attended per week
Hours Attended in the term
Universal hours claimed per week
Universal hours claimed for term
Extended hours claimed per week
Extended hours claimed per for term
Transmission of Personal Data
The Provider will submit Personal Data to Bolton Council via the secure Provider Portal.
Access to the Provider Portal will be controlled by Bolton Council and all access requests
will require the user to accept the Bolton Council Terms and Conditions for access and
for the application access to be countersigned by the Provider through its
Childminders do not have access to the secure Provider Portal and will submit Personal
Data to Bolton Council by secure email or postal methods.
Bolton Council will retain the Personal Data received from the Provider in accordance
with appropriate retention schedules, as determined by Bolton Council’s retention policy
(details of applicable retention periods will be supplied to the Provider within a reasonable
period on written request) or by legislation.
Data Subjects’ Rights
Data Subjects have the right to obtain certain information about the processing of their
Personal Data through a Subject Access Request. In circumstances where the processing
of a Data Subject’s Personal Data is not in compliance with Data Protection Legislation.
Data Subjects may also request rectification, erasure or blocking of their Personal Data.
Bolton Council and the Provider agree that a complaint from a Data Subject or their
Bolton Provider Agreement July 2017
representative about Personal Data transferred between the parties will be investigated
first by the party receiving the complaint.
If policies and procedures relating to and impacted by information sharing need to be
reviewed as a result of a complaint or otherwise, the relevant party shall undertake this
work in a timely manner and inform the other party of any revisions made to such policies
and procedures.
Bolton Council and the Provider agree that in the event that there is a breach of the Data
Protection Legislation or an allegation of a breach of the Data Protection Legislation within
a party’s organisation, that party shall manage and, where possible, mitigate the breach in
accordance with its own reporting and investigation procedures. The party who suffers the
breach or who is notified of an alleged breach shall inform the other party of the breach or
alleged breach within 2 working days and as soon as reasonably possible that party shall
inform the other of all steps taken or to be taken to mitigate and/or contain the breach or
alleged breach and prevent a similar incident occurring in the future.
Bolton Council and the Provider agree that this Data Sharing Schedule shall be
reviewed and amended in writing as and when required and that any amended version
shall form part of this Agreement. No amendments shall be made unless ratified by Bolton
Council and the Provider.
Bolton Provider Agreement July 2017
IN WITNESS whereof the Authority and the Provider have executed this Agreement the
day and year written at the head of this Agreement
Executed by the Borough Council of Bolton
under the hand of its authorised signatory
Authorised signatory
Name of signatory (CAPS)
Executed by the Provider detailed in Schedule
1 to this Agreement
The Provider/Authorised signatory
Name of signatory (CAPS)