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copyright NACA2005
Revised: 5/2/05
The following procedures describe how real estate agents can participate in and benefit from
NACA’s Best in America Mortgage Program. Through NACA, working people can purchase a
home at a below market interest rate (currently 5.125% 30 yr fixed APR as of 4/19/05) with no down
payment, no closing costs, and no fees, without having perfect credit. The NACA product can
be used for purchasing one- to four-family properties, condos and coops, for purchasing and
rehabilitating a home, or for refinancing a predatory mortgage. NACA has over $10 billion
dollars committed from Bank of America and Citigroup with 31 offices nationwide, and is
rapidly expanding. Visit our website at for more information.
As good as it sounds, it is even better. When a Member is NACA Qualified, which virtually
guarantees mortgage approval, they are ready to purchase with no issues on obtaining
NACA’s incredible mortgage. NACA has state of the art technology with the first paperless
mortgage process – loans are submitted to the lenders electronically. NACA is committed to
having loans ready to close within two to three weeks of the mortgage application. Virtually
every loan submitted to the lenders is approved (the fall-out ratio is likely the lowest in the
industry) due to NACA’s comprehensive counseling, which is free to all homebuyers. NACA
will work with all participants for as long as it takes to become a homeowner.
Real Estate Agents can refer clients to the NACA program. When the Member is NACA
Approved, the agent will be notified and the member will be referred back to the referring
agent. This will ensure that the agent will have an opportunity to work with the referred
client/Member once the Member is NACA Approved and ready to go house hunting. NACA
cannot guarantee that the Member will stay committed to the Member’s agent, and it will be the
responsibility of the Member’s agent to maintain a relationship with the Member while they are
going through the NACA program. The Member’s agent may not place the Member under a
purchase contract until the Member is NACA Approved and has received a Qualification Letter
from NACA.
Member’s agents are required to attend a NACA Real Estate Agent meeting. An agent may
advertise and promote the NACA program. NACA reserves the right to require agents, brokers
or companies to obtain prior authorization from NACA regarding advertisement, or to prohibit
such advertising and promotion.
Agents who refer clients to NACA are not required to pay a referral fee, provided the Member
has not been involved with or been in previous contact with NACA at the time the Member is
referred to the Program. You will not be able to register them to your name and it is going to
be the Member’s responsibility to keep you informed if they want to continue working with you.
Client/Member Referral Procedures:
To have the client/Member referred back to the agent, the agent must complete the following
procedures before the client attends the Homebuyer’s Workshop:
1. Go to NACA’s home page: Scroll over the “Partners” button. Click on
R.E. Agent: This screen is the “R.E. Agent Login”.
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copyright NACA2005
Revised: 5/2/05
2. If you have already registered on the website, just enter your “User Id” and your “Password”
and follow the prompts to enter the information on the client that you are referring to the
3. The system will prompt you to enter the client’s social security number (needed to
effectively identify people). If the member is not participating in the program, you will need
to provide the following information for your client:
Client’s name;
Client’s Social Security number (needed to effectively identify people);
Client’s home address;
Client’s home phone number and e-mail.
4. If this is your first time referring a client, enter your “User Id.” (which is your e-mail address)
and then click register:
a. The “Registration” screen will require that you type your “User Id.” (your e-mail
address), and then Re-enter your “User Id” to verify. Then click next step;
b. In the next screen, fill out the Real Estate Agent Information, then click submit;
c. You will immediately be sent an e-mail with a temporary password. This temporary
password will allow you to login;
d. When you login, you will see a welcome screen with your name. Here you will
create a new password, and will be asked to re-enter it. Then click ok;
e. Finally, enter the information about the client you are referring to NACA (see
Number 2 above);
f. The next time you refer another client, you just login by entering your “User Id.” and
your “Password” and filling out the client information.
5. To receive an update on all of your clients, you need to login and then select Referral Client
List. The information is continually updated as the clients attend the workshops, are
counseled and subsequently NACA Approved, which is when they are referred back to the
agent. You should contact the local NACA office if you have questions concerning the
status of your clients. Also, to change your registration information select the tab “Change
Information” to update your company or contact information.
NACA refers other NACA Members (those not referred by a real estate agent as stated above)
to NACA real estate agents or to a NACA Referral Agent if the Member so desires. Some
NACA offices have an in-house NACA Agent who works under a licensed NACA broker. They
work solely with NACA Members. All NACA Approved Members not initially referred to the
Program by an Agent are referred to NACA Agents unless the NACA Agent has a current
workload that will not allow him/her to provide timely, quality services to an additional Member.
NACA Agents participate in NACA activities including outreach, Home Buyer Workshops;
home visits to delinquent Members, and advocacy. In some instances, a NACA agent will list
properties owned by NACA Members. If an agent is interested in becoming a full-time NACA
Agent, they should contact NACA by sending an e-mail to [email protected].
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copyright NACA2005
Revised: 5/2/05
NACA Referral Agents:
NACA Referral Agents work with referred NACA Approved Members as well as their own
outside clients, in some cases representing both buyers and sellers. They are licensed real
estate agents working under an outside broker not affiliated with NACA. NACA Approved
Members are referred to NACA Referral Agents if the office does not have a NACA Agent or
the current NACA Agent is at capacity. The NACA Office Director or designated NACA staff
person(s) makes all referrals. Members may also be assigned to a NACA Referral Agent of
their choice if requested.
NACA selects a limited number of agents to become active NACA Referral Agents from the
agents who submit a completed NACA Referral Agent Agreement to the local office. They are
referred NACA Approved Members based on the number of people they refer to NACA, their
work with NACA’s primary constituency of low- and moderate-income and minority
homebuyers, and quality of services provided to NACA Members. They must continue to meet
these expectations in order to remain a NACA Referral Agent. Agents interested in becoming
a NACA Referral Agent must complete the NACA Referral Agent Agreement and submit it to
the local NACA office for approval.
Referral Agents pay NACA 33% of the total co-brokerage commission, prior to any splits, as a
referral fee for each referral they receive from NACA. The referral check will be issued by the
settlement agent at the closing and mailed to NACA’s National Office. A referral is business
that the NACA Referral Agent receives but would not have received if not generated by NACA.
NACA may also provide these agents with the opportunity to list properties of NACA
homeowners who want to or need to sell. NACA may require NACA Referral Agents to
participate in other activities including: conducting outreach, attending Home Buyer
Workshops, making home visits to delinquent Members, and participating in advocacy
Agents must provide professional, high quality services including but not limited to a
comprehensive housing search, effective negotiation on Member’s behalf and participating in
the inspection. The agent must provide such services to low- and moderate-income
homebuyers and minority homebuyers, the constituency that NACA serves. In instances
where an agent is receiving a bonus from a builder or seller, the agent needs to inform the
Member of the bonus.
NACA may, at its discretion, prohibit an agent from participating in the NACA program if the
agent is involved in any predatory, suspect or problematic real estate practices, does not
provide quality services or engages in actions counter to NACA’s mission. Also, NACA strictly
prohibits any payment or consideration of any kind to be given to NACA staff and will take legal
and regulatory actions in such instances.